The goal of Communal Teaching is to create a space of shared responsibility. Rather than having one teacher and one group of students, we would create a company of alternating facilitators. Those leading could work with whatever they’re interested in- what is something that feels invaluable to your practice? What tools do you love to use and experiment with? Rather than there being a focus on the material we study, the focus will be on the act of facilitating the things which excite us.
We will try to take down the divide between student and teacher, with the loss of that power dynamic freeing us to redefine ourselves. Participants will not only have the opportunity to learn new skills from new people, but to learn about their own work through leading-finding autonomy and confidence in their own craft through a communal experience.
This is a free workshop. There is no pressure for anyone to be good at leading- if anything, this is the space to be bad at it. Be terrible! The sessions are meant to be somewhat improvisatory- those leading do not have to come in with a practiced lesson plan to perform. We can all work it out together in the room.