Love & Cats


Love and Cats is a series of four workshops exploring notions of grief and home through creative activities.

In 2020, we experienced loss of family members and began to have long-distance conversations on grief and home: how can one care for people from afar? In what ways do the processes of grieving relate to the restless search for one’s sense of home? What could it mean to develop performances as gestures of care for someone? These initiatives slowly formed into Love and Cats, reflecting our present and future approaches to life and art.

These workshops will evolve around two key-themes:
- Caring through shared grief
- Sense of arriving home

Each workshop will focus on different activity as follow:
#1. Arriving home in our body (Feldenkrais inspired)
#2. Crocheting
#3. Performative reading
#4. Shared meal as collective performance

This project is co-funded with the support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund and Stroom Den Haag.



Dates and Times

Love & Cats
Wed 4 September - Wed 25 September 2024


Tickets available here


Studio 5, London Performance Studios
For more info on how to get to London Performance Studios, click here


Ludic is a collective of artists with backgrounds in visual arts, sound, theatre, dance and neuroscience. Ludic was co-founded by Hennie Lee, Iulia Maracine and Chaeeun Park in 2013 with the mani(p)esto, ‘we are serious, about not being serious’.

With great effort we devise processes to acknowledge, unlearn and invert the solidified bodily and cognitive patterns. Ludic finds interest in ludicrous but neglected elements, and excessively focuses on them by conducting somatic practices and producing events at the crossroads of visual installation, performance and collective gatherings. We value the idea of community; no competition, no supe-egos, but mutual support and solidarity.

Ludic has presented their work in Bucharest (Suprainfinit Gallery, The Institute, National Center of Dance – CNDB, ArtHub), South Korea (Geumgang Nature Art Biennale, Seoul Dance Center), Den Haag (CloudDansLab), Gothenburg (Skogen, Konstepidemin), the UK (Summerhill School, Battersea Arts Centre), etc.