Horizontal Practices 2024 ApplicationApplication closes 11:59 PM - 28th January 2023 SECTION 1 - ABOUT YOU Name * First Name Last Name Pronouns * Company name if applicable Email * Phone number * Postcode * Are you available on the 21st and 22nd February? * Yes No SECTION 2 - YOUR WORKSHOP Please answer the below questions. If you prefer to answer the questions with an audio or video submission instead of written text, please use the following section to add a link to the audio or video file (maximum 5 minutes long). Workshop Title * Workshop Description (150 word max) * Capacity * How many people can attend your workshop? Ideal month for workshop (please choose 3 options) * You can select more than one. March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 Specific requirement for workshop Upload audio/ video link for questions 1-4 (maximum length: 5 minutes) Please add the link to the media and share the password (if necessary). If you submit your answers by audio/video, please type 'n/a' as your answer for questions 1-7 in the form below. 1. Tell us about yourself / your company (200 words) * Who are you? What type of work do you make? What has your previous experience been and where do you want to go next? 2. Tell us about how this workshop will help to develop your practice? (200 words) * 3. Tell us how you would use the space and time provided by LPS? (200 words) * Here we want to get an understanding of your process. How will you structure your time? What are your goals for the workshop? 4. How confident are you with outreach and marketing your workshop? (100 words) * Please explain who is the audience for this workshop and what is your strategy for reaching them. Is this your first time applying to Horizontal Practices? * Yes No Equality and Diversity Monitoring Details Please complete for everyone involved in your project (select as many options as apply) Your age group * 18-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65+ years Prefer not to say Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long term health condition? * Yes No Prefer not to say If yes, do you have any access requirements? What is your gender? * Female Male Non binary Trans Prefer not to say Other If 'Other' please specify Is this the same gender you were assigned at birth? * Yes No Prefer not to say How would you describe yourself? * African Arab Bangladeshi Caribbean Chinese Gypsy or Irish Traveller Indian Irish Pakistani White British White and Asian White and Black African White and Black Caribbean Any other Asian background Any other Mixed background Any other White background Any other Indigenous background Prefer not to say Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? * Asexual Bisexual Gay man Gay woman/lesbian Heterosexual/Straight Queer Prefer not to say Other If 'Other' please specify How would you describe your socio-economic background? * Authorisation * I confirm that I have volunteered the above information and authorised London Performance Studios (trading name of RINSE123 LTD) and its representatives to use this information to inform their equality and diversity practices. Would you like to sign up for our newsletter? * Yes No Thank you!We will get back to you by 2nd February 2024.------------